Waka Flocka Flame

Songtext Game on (feat. good charlotte) Waka Flocka Flame


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Game on (feat. good charlotte)

This is not a game now, nobody can save you
Spent up all your change and now your turn is done
We won't be afraid 'cause we're the ones who made you
Knock you out the frame, we won't stop until you're gone
Game on, game on

Assassin, soldier and a captain
Feel the passion, no compassion, but I'm askin'
You say you ready, well, I'm attackin'
A predator in my competitors this second
I'm never lackin', boy, I'm ready for that action
That was braggin', man, what happened to you has-beens?
It's amazin' all the places and the people faces
Ah, bought the tour bus like a spaceship
I'm racin' against nothin' but time
Probably wouldn't be so lost if you was watchin' the signs
They gon' play me like a PlayStation from playin' on that station
But I'm a be the face of a generation
Kids wit' no patience or directions
Never doubt or question my effort
Game on, game on, hope you people ready
I'm reloaded and I hope my trigger finger steady

This is not a game now, nobody can save you
Spent up all your change and now your turn is done
We won't be afraid 'cause we're the ones who made you
Knock you out the frame, we won't stop until you're gone
Game on, game on

Can't Xbox me in, 'cause in my lane
No controller but me playin' my game
This a different league, a different bracket
I'm a different G, a different faction
I will never fall off, I just fall back
Don't make me pull up, pull up where you boys ball at
And show you little fake hustlers what the trap is
I have you runnin' suicides all practice
I got warrior blood, I fear no heir
No army, no weapon, no man
Killer instinct, I just go harder, and harder and harder, but I grow larger
I can't let you Mini-Mes steal my Austin Powers
I've travelled plenty seas, spent many hours
To make Flocka be the best he can be
So you gon' show respect when you talkin' to me
That number one spot legacy I see is my hit
It ain't what you take, what you is, what you leave behind

This is not a game now, nobody can save you
Spent up all your change and now your turn is done
We won't be afraid 'cause we're the ones who made you
Knock you out the frame, we won't stop until you're gone
Game on, game on

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Waka Flocka Flame is a performer. His discography includes Flockavelli.

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