
Songtext Full moon (remix)(feat. fat joe) Brandy


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Full moon (remix)(feat. fat joe)

[Intro: Fat Joe]
Joe Creezy, uh, please, please, believe B-R-A-N-D-Y, Uh huh

[Verse 1: Fat Joe]
Who else but the D-O-N?
Nah mami I ain't shy you can bring your friends
That depends no actin up (What!)
Down for whatever baby that's what's up
Uh! Let's get it poppin cause soon I'm out
Peel them Doce's off let the full moon out
I can see it in your eyes you in need for pleasure
And Joe Crack's love exceeds the measures, come on

Boy, I saw you soon as you came bouncin through the door
You and your mans and them just look over the floor
Started doin your thing and it made me notice you even more
The way, you turned around and looked at me it seemed as though
You must've somehow felt me starin on the low
Somethin tells me your the kind of guy I'd like to get to know

[Chorus: Brandy]
I ain't even gonna front, I ain't even gonna lie
Since you walked up in the club, I've been givin you the eye
We can dance if you want, get it crackin if you like
Must be a full moon feel like one of those nights

[Verse 2: Brandy]
Why, is this the first time that I'm seein you around
Could you be visiting or are you new in town
Yeah whatever the case I'm feelin you right here and right now
Your smile, and all the love you showin lets me know that you
Like what you see and wanna get to know me too
This could very well be the start of something special happy that I met you

[Chorus: Brandy]
I ain't even gonna front (Baby)
I ain't even gonna lie (Ooh...)
Since you walked up in the club
I've been givin you the eye (Givin you the eye)
We can dance if you want (Dance if you want)
get it crackin if you like (Crackin if you like)
Must be a full moon (A full moon) feel like one of those nights
I ain't even gonna front (Even gonna front)
I ain't even gonna lie (Even gonna lie)
Since you walked up in the club (Walked up in the club)
I've been givin you the eye (Givin you the eye)
We can dance if you want (Ho, whoa)
get it crackin if you like (Crackin if you like)
It must be a full moon, feel like one of those nights

[Bridge: Brandy]
I didn't think that I'd come here tonight
Meet someone like you, start feeling the way I do
Seems like we've known each other most of our lives
After one conversation, this must be right

[Verse 3: Fat Joe]
Move kid, get out the way with the bullshit, here comes Jose
It's a full moon out tonight the don is here
And everybody lookin like they don't belong in here
Where he come from why his hat so low?
How he pop so many bottles he must have some dough
But probably look good it's shitty from the hood
If fair by the looks he must bought some bricks
What's love gotta do with a little menage?
We could take it outside on the hood of the car
Damn girl I ain't know what you was capable of
But by the moves I can tell you had to date a few thugs, what!

(Oh...whoa...) We can dance if you want
(Oh...whoa...) Get it crackin if you like
(Oh...whoa...) It must be a full moon
(Oh...whoa...) Feel like one of those nights

[Chorus: Brandy]
I ain't even gonna front (Even gonna front)
I ain't even gonna lie (Even gonna lie)
Since you walked up in the club (Walked up in the club)
I've been givin you the eye (Givin you the eye)
We can dance if you want (Dance if you want)
Get it crackin if you like (Crackin if you like)
It must be a full moon (A full moon)
Feel like one of those nights (One of those nights)

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