
Songtext Fall back Brandy


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Fall back

Fall Back, I'm tryna breathe and you killing me
Fall Back, I understand that you feeling me
I ain't gotta attitude but I'ma flip if you don't give me room to move
Fall Back, I'm tryna breathe and you killing me
Fall Back, I understand that you feeling me
I ain't gotta attitude but I'ma flip if you don't give me room to move

I gotta stay on the move so this cat got more spots than a leopard-skin
Safe's in the ceiling, I stash drugs and weapons in
Nigga I'm just steppin in, already got boxes
Full of money like that movie that Johny Deep was in
I'd rather pull a gat than run, cause what comes around
Goes around faster then a gatling gun
These broke niggas say goin to Manhattan's fun
I'm on punta cana shore wit a Latin one
That can suck a beach ball through a straw, act like
A chipmunk and put nuts in each wall of her jaw, homie
I'm just tryin' to teach ya'll how to score
It's easy for me to pull up each fall in azures
And my dope send buyers from O.T. they heard
I got the same shit that caused Len Bias to O.D.
It's the young nigga that inspired the O.G.'s
In that H-2 wit thin tires and O.Z.'s
And ya'll got jewels but I doubt it's the same shine
Mine look like the sun and moon's out at the same time
Don't worry about the rumours that a broad dish
When I ride around with the same guns Travolta had in Swordfish
So fall back like you lost ya balance
I don't wanna have to toss with talons
But you cheap stylin' and I'ma have to let the six-teen squirt
And make ya white tee look like a miskene shirt, nigga

Fall Back, I'm tryna breathe and you killing me
Fall Back, I understand that you feeling me
I ain't gotta attitude but I'ma flip if you don't give me room to move
Fall Back, I'm tryna breathe and you killing me
Fall Back, I understand that you feeling me
I ain't gotta attitude but I'ma flip if you don't give me room to move

What the fuck proper truck 7 jeans white truck range rover sitting on 23's
From the 745 on the 105 won't be nobody in the club but m,e you can say anything you want about my business better hold your tonge unless you witness my life first hand, my joy, my pain not just my music and my name.

Fall Back, I'm tryna breathe and you killing me
Fall Back, I understand that you feeling me
I ain't gotta attitude but I'ma flip if you don't give me room to move
Fall Back, I'm tryna breathe and you killing me
Fall Back, I understand that you feeling me
I ain't gotta attitude but I'ma flip if you don't give me room to move

(Lloyd Banks)
You can bet'cha bottom dollar, if there's ever a room that I'm tied up in
The armor throw bullets like Boomer Esiason
Give him a wound where his eye has been, then lift him
Off the ground like a hot air balloon when it' firin
My game smoothe as Mariah's skin, but I'm popular
So I travel with the goons when I slide up in
I'm blamed for the heat 'round my way, I made it
Without a Making of the Band or a Freestyle Friday
Why you wit him if his troops don't buck? I'll have the coroner
Wrap you up in plastic like a fruit roll up
I get brain like every female in my past intellegent
And take in more nuts then your average elephant
They actin like they own slugs and amory, but if we bump heads
They be talkin faster than Bone Thugs-N-Harmony
The names you can call me but broke aint one
I'm in the game for the O.J. run, my goal not done
Go in ya'house and get cha'old gray gun
We got some big enough to be a court case son
And i've learned to overcome the new faces, I'm startin to
Heat up, so my dick get more toungue than shoe laces
You can catch me in the hood, a couple G's and im bangin things
High 'cause I go through more trees than orangatangs
You're gonna make me put the clip in and pop ya
You're horrible nigga, I'd rather sit through an' opera

Fall Back, I'm tryna breathe and you killing me
Fall Back, I understand that you feeling me
I ain't gotta attitude but I'ma flip if you don't give me room to move
Fall Back, I'm tryna breathe and you killing me
Fall Back, I understand that you feeling me
I ain't gotta attitude but I'ma flip if you don't give me room to move

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