Oingo Boingo

Songtext Everybody needs Oingo Boingo


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Everybody needs

I'm gonna bet you that heartaches
And true love and feeble excuses
For repressed desire adds fuel to the fire
And the human condition goes on and goes on and goes on

Everybody needs it
Everybody needs
Everybody needs it
Everybody needs

And I get so blue when I'm stuck all day in school
And I get so blue when I'm stuck all day in school
And I stare at the back of my old notebook
And the teacher gives me a dirty look
And I've got just one thing on my mind
No matter how hard I try and try
I feel like someone else
I feel like someone else

Everybody needs

Big boy, real cool, you can tell he's no one's fool
And he tries so hard to come off like a star
You can tell by the way he combs his hair
By the cocky grin and that moody stare
By the way he leans and juts out his hip
And you think any second that he might slip
But he feels like someone else
And he feels like someone else
I know what's on his mind
I know what's on his mind

(Repeat Chorus)

And I'm gonna bet you that I know what's on your mind
Pretty baby, I'm gonan bet you that I know what's on your mind

Young girl, so wild, she wears a ponytail
And she cooks inside with a passion she can't hide
And she's got that ju-ju in her eyes
Makes boys and old men come alive
And she knows the power that she possesses
When they start to melt under her caresses
She feels like someone else
She feels like someone else
I know what's on her mind
I know what's on her mind

(Repeat Chorus)

True love and virtue get put in a closet
Like Jeckyll and Hyde, when it starts you can't stop it
No need to feel guilty, 'cause you're not alone
When the fire consumes you and nature takes over
The heartache and true love and feeble excuses
For repressed desires add fuel to the fire
When the fire consumes you and nature takes over
And the human condition goes on and goes on and goes on

(Repeat Chorus)

Everybody needs

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The Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo were formed as a musical theatre group in 1972 by Richard Elfman and would eventually become the influential new-wave/art punk band known simply as Oingo Boingo. They were best known commercially for their hit song "Weird Science" from the film of the same name and also on their fourth album Dead Man's Party. Their primary songwriter and frontman Danny Elfman would go on to become a well respected and famous film-score composer and work closely with Tim Burton on films such as Beetlejuice (1988) Batman (1989) Edward Scissorhands (1990) and The Nightmare Before Christmas (for which he also sang for lead character Jack Skellington and two supporting roles Barrel and The Clown with the Tearaway Face). He has also scored extensively for iconic TV show The Simpsons.

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