
Songtext Ernies reise Grobschnitt


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Ernies reise

You live the storyof the innocent life's defeat of solitude's dicecaptivated by a moonbeam, chained to dispisers of your lovecaptivated by dispisers, lost in the canyons of your mind Take just another ladcall him Ernie and see him returning home from schoolleft alone at some old window, leaving paper dreams to flyhear the wind whispering gently calling you to dream away So fly away in a staggering paper planedon't be afraid when somebody takes your game High above the town soars a little boy in his paper planeastonished he peers down, the houses look like toys from his paper plane the wind takes his hand Sparkling rivers below, watch the green meadows flowfeel your face caressed by a golden rainbow
Ernie never felt so strongas he was gliding along, forgetting all fences he sailed till dawn Look the sun is sinking low, little boy where do you gotime leads you to darkness of the night, shocks you with frightdon't fear the shadow over you, it's a bird called Maraboohe will light his light, Ernie, he will be your guide Confidence is a strong assistance to you Hey little Ernie, I'd like to take you home to my nest
The sun will keep you warm and cozy all nite longand you'll have a pleasent rest - skip on my chest The tree with the nest of the bird where the sun goes to bed is so highit touches the sky Far away a Blackshirt cleans a chain Hey little lads, get on dreamingfear the warming far away from homefind your hope in some desert stonesmell some dope in an ice-cream cone announcement: This evening a huge bird was seen carrying a little boy on his back in a height of about 3.000 feet right above sector 0/16. The bird was carrying some beer-bottles, a bag with vegetables, was lit contrary to regulations and was smoking a pipe. We instruct all planes cruising this sector to observe this incident. Over.

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Grobschnitt was a German rock band which existed between 1970 and 1989. Their style evolved as time progressed, beginning with psychedelic rock in the early 1970s before transitioning into symphonic progressive rock, NDW and finally pop rock in the mid-1980s. Grobschnitt, unlike other bands, utilized humor in their music in the form of unexpected noises and silly lyrics and concepts.

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