
Songtext Embrace the martians Crookers


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Embrace the martians

[Verse 1:]
Ixnay on the bull shit mai'
When I roll black to cleveland
I can't believe them
Sounds of the non believers
Outkast until I'm in dirt
Before it did hurt
Now I can overstand how you
Can just miss a front on
Ask me how I feel about the mus' with close eyes
My words how I feel exactly
Aw fuck that
I don't give a damn but that
One hater talkin' down
Don't be afraid at all y'all
All I ask of all y'all
Is to please

Embrace the martian
Embrace the martian
I come in peace
But I need your rockin' beat
Embrace the martian
And this is how it sound

[Verse 2:]
See I must tell you all now
Keep on acting funny
Cool with me
I am here to change that
How you thinking off then
And it's starting
I am here to show you
How it feels to be new
Look at what I made you
Gotta teach you
Honest spilling secure cool
And you are fool
Bought a heavy heavy mazda
Malarkey mixed with drive bys
I admit dawg
Don't be afraid at all y'all
All I ask of all y'all
Is to please

Embrace the martian
Embrace the martian
I come in peace
But I need your rockin' beat
Embrace the martian
And this is how it sound

[Chorus 2:]
Licensed to I'll
I promise
I won't turn the whole world to cloverfield
On the real
Yeah I will
I'll destroy it
And then rebuild
Just for thrills
Sometimes it got to do with
Sometimes it showed to tough love
No one is above
What you are hearing
Now dude
No matter who else included
I'm soluted
I'm soluted
No matter who else included
I'm soluted
I'm soluted

Embrace the martian
Embrace the martian
I come in peace
But I need your rockin' beat
Embrace the martian
And this is how it sound

Embrace the martian
Embrace the martian
I come in peace
But I need your rockin' beat
Embrace the martian
And this is how it sound

(ooooh, oooh, ooh)
And this is how it sound
In my mind

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Crookers is a group formed in 2003. Their discography includes Knobbers EP, E.P.istola, Massive EP, I Love Techno 2009 and Funk Mundial #3. The band has had members Bot and Phra. Their most popular genre is House.

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