South Park Mexican

Songtext Duh duh duh South Park Mexican


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Duh duh duh

Fo sho

[1st Verse]
It was me, Low G, and a couple of hoes
that we picked up in 2nd Ward on Avenue O
They want a cold cooler and a nick' sack of budda
I'm already high,
lost in the Bermuda
I got my six shooter
watch for the hoota
I'm quick on attack, just like the baracuda
Got a belly like a buddah
the pussy intruder
The "S" on my chest stands for Super Dee Duper
Cuz I'm a basketball hooper
Out-run the trooper
I'ma bring home the trophy like Cynthia Cooper
Cucaracha in my ashtray
a 40 on my lap
I sell crack to the Blacks, whites, Mexicans and jacks
Slap hoes like a pimp
I spit like a snake
Get my cash with a rake
Break a hoe like a date
So, make no mistake
I bake cookies and cakes
In the Benz,
"SPM" on my lisence plates

Duh Duuuuuh, Duh Duh Duh Duh Duuh
Duh Duh Duh Duh Duuuuuh
Duh Duh Duh Duh Duuh
Duh Duh Duh Duh Duuuuuh
Duh Duh Duh Duh Duuh
Duh Duh Duh Duh Duuuuuh
Duh Duh Duh Duh Duuh

[2nd Verse]
I smile on camera like "Abracadabra"
and I fuck a bitch down like a took some Viagra
I'm a stabber, I'm a sticker. No soda with my liquor
I'm the quicker picker-upper, grab a slut and go trick her
Dick her down, slap her up, if she a stuck up tramp
Never run from no one cuz I might catch a cramp
Got niggas that kill for a five dollar bill
Snitches and pigs love each other cuz they both squeal
I'm the greasiest, grimiest, grusomist
as a kid they would say I was use-less
I chunk a duece and keep creepin' on my ten-speed
My heart was empty, but now I fuck 'em gently
In the Bently, niggas can't believe this
but for everything, I gots to thank Jesus
Blessin' me with extraordinary skills
Now everytime I rap you mutherfuckers get the chills


[3rd Verse]
Platinum necklace
dope game specialist
I get my dick sucked by my new receptionist
Wetback for President
Fuck an impressionist
Bitches cuss me out when I check my messeges
Dangerous family, bust cap like salary
Niggas try to swing for assault and battery
I try to bring about unity
It's about you and me,
strengthen the community
I blow, act stupidly
Niggas wanna shoot at me,
that shit ain't blue to me
I be surrounded my jealousy
but I kill the fuckin' players and the referee
I got jewels and gems
2000 Benz
People can't believe we some Mexicans
And if you hate, check me out Lo
if my name's in your mouth then my dick's down your throat


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