Downtown Science

Songtext Down to a science Downtown Science


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Down to a science

Checkin in, one in a million
Groups on the air tryin to fill you in
On a scoop and a time
With a loop and rhyme
To get money
Cause that's rap defined
In a nutshell
And this we all know well
But stil records manage to sell
Cause people buy em and fly em in a tape
Usin em as a form of escape
When time's gettin too tough to take
You need an outlook (yes I do)
But not the kind that shock ya
The kind to lock ya
In your own little world of reason
Where you can rest at ease in
Knowin exactly where is you goin
No, you can't get lost in the shuffle
Otherwise you might suffo-
Cate and drown
Before you get off the ground
So get your plan down
(To a what?) To a science

(From downtown)

Down to a science, down pat, or just plain (down)
That's how we got it, comin from the hometown
Of a sound which some call a trend
That's cause they just waitin for it to end
But yo, rap is here to stay no matter who they say it's dyin
Cause the fans keep multiplyin
So as long as rhymes stay rugged, and beats stay tight
(What's up?) We aight
Respond to the vibes picked up in the street
Where they emanate - we innovate
And invent newer ways of droppin the content
So your time is well spent
While you listen intently
We stimmulate you mentally
Slicker than a plushed-out swingin a Bentley
Once around the park with the clients
We got it down (To a what?) To a science

(From downtown)

Let me talk about the the mo, the m.o., the mode of operation
The technique employed to perform a occupation
I'm makin ya stand firm in the beliefs
Don't slip - get some cleats
Cause schemin on you believe in is falsifyin
So erectifyin justifyin a scientific proof, the truth
Surroundin the issue, to make it official
Once and for all
Winter, spring, summer, or fall
All you got to do is call
Or beep, and be a sheep
And we'll be the creep
And you can be at us
Sippin on a status that matters
Flowin the way nature intended
Non-stop until the service is rendered
Quicker than a kitchen appliance
We got it down (To a what?) To a science

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Downtown Science is a bit of a mystery to us. Their discography includes Downtown Science. Their most popular genres are Electronica, Alternative Rap, Hip-Hop and Trip-hop.

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