
Songtext Down by the river Camouflage


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Down by the river



We goin' do this one here, Chatham County style

It's a 9-1-2 thang dawg

Yean know, now ya know, fa'sho (whoa)


We come from down by the river on twanky twankies

Blowin big ball bats of that danky danky

So Funky (ya smell that)

Ya so country (you know)

[Verse 1]

We drankin (Uh Uh) Big Boi bottles of don Pizzae

Crissay, got me dizzay, Crypay, in my swishae

Sweeter, we the, niggaz who get this bitch jumpin'

Crunk, just like some whonk in yo trunk when its bumpin

I-I-I I need get up wit Red

Big lips, bow-leggeds, wit a helluva helluva head

On her shoulder, I told her mama I'm comin over

So she could ride-n-ride-n-ride me like a Range Rover

She hot like Daytona, nothin but some strings on her

(Look like she need to cool down)

So I put my chain on her

See we dem 20 inch riders, wit tha slim tires

We we come thru niggaz grab they bitches wit some grip pliers

I'm from the city where the grass is green

So you know I'm gettin high, just like the price of gasoline

Man dem boyz from Savannah at the door

Well let 'em in, What the fuck you waitin' fo! (Whoa)

[Chorus x2]

We come from down by the river on twanky twankies

Blowin big ball bats of that danky danky

So Funky (ya smell that)

Ya so country (I know)

[Verse 2]

These niggaz talkin all that shit, so they got stank mouth

Nigga touched my tape, it burnt his hand, but he say it ain't hot

Pinocchio nose, you know I got the sickest flows

When they see my neck and wrists glow they start to hide they hoes

Like Bitch, come on, and bring yo ass home

'Fo you be back in the projects livin wit you grandma, uh uh

You know I puts it down like a shitty baby

I'm like flour, grease, and water, ALL GRAVY!

I'm comin' hard like, dicks in a strip club

Your lyrics need stay-hard and ginseng cuz they won't stand up!

Against these flows I spit, these niggaz know I'm sick

They took a laxative, but still ain't droppin shit

Pain we bringin

I know you see the way the charm and the chain be hangin

Bling-a-lingin and swangin

Lil mama say "Oooh boy them diamonds blindin me! Where U from?"

Down by the river, (Whoa) tweeta-leeta-lee!

[Chorus x2]

We come from down by the river on twanky twankies

Blowin big ball bats of that danky dankies

So Funky (ya smell that)

Ya so country (I know)

[Verse 3]

We come from, down by the water, (WHAT?)

Savannah, Georgia done finally got on da map

(It's bout time they learned how to rap, down there!)

Oh yea, y'all niggaz sleepin on us!

Well wake up, wake up, wake up! Say What?

The house on fire

Get from under the cover, get yo shit, get the fuck out!


We came to get it buck

(So won't you) TEAR IT DOWN!

If we to drunk to drink we buy it just to pour it out

I'm from the dirty south

Got work when it's a drought

We fuck dem hoes and drop 'em off, they take dem bitches out

While you spittin the game, I'm sendin a dame

To the mall, wit a empty pocketbook to get a few thangs, mane

We poppin bottles, fuckin models, blowin dough like dro

Niggaz thinkin that we hit the Georgia Lotto

20 inches on my auto-MOBILE!

(Ay, where da fuck y'all boyz from, cuz I know y'all ain't from round hea!)


We come from down by the river on twanky twankies

Blowin big ball bats of that danky dankies

So Funky (ya smell that)

Ya so country (I know)

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Camouflage is a synthpop band, originating from Bietigheim-Bissingen in Germany, composed of the trio Marcus Meyn, Heiko Maile and Oliver Kreyssig. Its biggest success was the song "The Great Commandment" released in 1987, included in their debut album Voices & Images (1988).

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