Dana Dane

Songtext Delancey street Dana Dane


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Delancey street

Next stop: Delancey Street
Step lively, and ah - watch the closing doors

[ VERSE 1 ]
I can't express it any plainer
That I'm a entertainer
People call me Dane, but my real name is Dana
I've came here just to put you on
Cause I'm taking the rapping world by storm
In the rap I've made a change
A change that no other out there can claim
Now what I've done will make you laugh
So don't you ever be offended by the words I pass
I'll make you tickle, make your butt wiggle
You'll tell your friends, and they'll chuckle and giggle
Now this little story's called Delancey Street
It's the place where clothes are bought and people meet
Each city has a place that's quite the same
Even though it might go by a different name

Delancey Street
Delancey Stree-eet
Delancey Street
This story can't be beat

[ VERSE 2 ]
Well, I went to Delancey Street to buy some wears
Even though I already had on fresh gear
Go into the store to buy a Kangol
I took out my wallet and my fat money roll
When three females walked up to me
There was a white, a black, the other Chinese
The white girl said, "My name is Dawn
And I love your gear by Louis Vuitton"
The black girl said, "My name is Jane"
And she couldn't keep her hands off the fresh gold chains
The Chinese girl, her name Sushi
She was foggin up the '86 Guccis
I thought they wanted to conversate
Then they all pulled out a six-shooter trey-eight
Three fresh females, who would have thought
Cause they tried to rob me, I almost got caught
I stood there for a minute, tried to concentrate
I tried to think of a way for me to escape
No one in sight, one thing to do
(You mean you ran, Dana Dane?) Damn right I flew
Up the block and through an alley
Yo, I cold dogged my fresh new Bally's
I ran through some water and some dog -
But I don't give a damn, I wouldn't be their vic'
Oh no, not me, not while I have feet
So then I dipped over to Orchard Street
Around the corner, past the brick house
And right in back of me, droolin from the mouth
Yes, them three females at hot pursuit
Then all of a sudden they began to shoot
I flundered, blundred, all the shots thundered
(Where did you run?) That's what I wondered
So confused, my head still in the wind
A sign up the street that read (dead end)

[ VERSE 3 ]
Now here they came, just as plain as day
Runnin down the street like _Three The Hard Way_
I approached the stop, the temper grew
And then the girl screams out: (Yo, damn it, don't move!)
They continued strong like the quiet storm
"Lover boy, run everything that you've got on"
"Run your Gucci, your Louis and your fresh gold chains
And your Bally shoes, we want it all from you"
Now max this move, what could I do?
Nowhere to run, no one to run to
The girls just didn't know who I am
But I knew a way to get out this jam
I stood in their face, took on the loud racket
Opened up my ??? jacket
Printed on my shirt, yes, there's bold and plain
'I'm not the one, the Rapper Dana Dane'
Well, the girls caught the message, it was plain to see
They might as well have said (Dana Dane, you're free)
Cause Jane came by, she winked her eye
And Dawn came over, grabbed me at my fly
And that's about the time when Sushi came near
She kissed me on my cheek and blew in my ear
Each one of them tryin to grab my hand
Screamin "Leave him!," to the other (Dana Dane's my man)
I knew it: they'd blew it
Punches were thrown, they got into it
They rumbled, battled, wrestled like cattle
"She made me do it!", they began to tattle
Swollen eyes and busted lips
Cause I think all of them got pistol-whipped
But I don't care, do you hear what I say?
I just wiped off my Bally's, went on my way
And they're still not friends till this very day

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Dana Dane is a performer. His discography includes Best of Dana Dane, Dana Dane With Fame, Dana Dane 4 Ever, Rollin Wit Dana Dane and Rollin' Wit Dana Dane.

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