
Songtext Deadass Kemba


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Shut the fuck, shut the fuck up, nigga

Bullshit, I'm calling bullshit, I'm from New York
Where they pull shit and keep it pushing
My teacher bet I'd be a hoodlum, I bet I wouldn't
I saw a way out and I took it, they over look me
I caught 'em looking, back then we doing numbers
My niggas help me sweep the board like I'm with the Thunder
I know some niggas from my hood never leave the jungle
They say they tryna see the world, but they Stevie Wonder
Can only wonder

The meeting is at four, but I'll be late (Deadass)
I had to blame it on the MTA (Deadass)

Ozzy called, he hit me with the "Yurt", so I hit him with the "Yurt"
Said we been through all the worse, we about to break the curse
I got niggas on my jack asking me to do a verse
Either debit or it's cash or whatever you prefer
Now it's "Let me hit you back, I get money on the first"
Soon as I get paid from work, we can work

Bullshit, I'm calling bullshit, I'm from the Bronx
Where they pull shit and keep it pushing
My teacher bet I'd be a hoodlum, I bet I wouldn't
I saw a way out and I took it, they over look me
I caught 'em looking, back then I used to wish it
Now everything I wanted bad coming to fruition
I'm letting nothing in my path like I'm superstitious
But niggas stepping to this crack like it's New Edition
Like we envisioned

The meeting is at four, but I'll be late (Deadass)
I had to blame it on the MTA (Deadass)

And lately, feel like nothing big's at stake
All my competitions dead, I might battle B.I.G's estate
Niggas fuck with Mary Jane but they selling Mary Kate
We don't got no MedicAid, all my niggas medicate
Thought my future's set in stone, thought I would accept my fate
You know who said I would fall, if you wanna set that straight
Set that date, bitch

Bullshit, I'm calling bullshit, I'm from the Point
Where they pull shit and keep it pushing
My teacher bet I'd be a hoodlum, I bet I wouldn't
I saw a way out and I took it, they over look me
I caught 'em looking, back then we doing numbers
My niggas help me sweep the board like I'm with the Thunder
I know some niggas from my hood never leave the jungle
They say they tryna see the world, but they Stevie Wonder
Can only wonder

Hold up, hold up (Deadass)
Hold up, hold up (Deadass)
Hold up, hold up (Deadass)
Hold up (Deadass)

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