Group 1 Crew

Songtext Clap ya hands Group 1 Crew


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Clap ya hands

Clap, clap ya hands
Clap, clap ya hands

We found a new way to rock it while we doin' our thing
And bringing acapella fellas and my ladies that sing
We clap hands like, what
What we doing is a new form of music
That got you getting out of your seats

Let it be known that your favorite crew is up in the spot
A new chapter to life with every show that we rock
We work hard for this position and we ain't gonna stop
Cause we busy makin' moves with every lyric we drop

Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum
Clap clap ya hands
Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum
Clap, clap ya hands
Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum
Clap, clap ya hands
Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum
Now throw ya hands up

Let me see, let me see
All of you with hands up
Everybody we're doing this in the name of
The One who took us from nothing but now we came up.

Now hold on, we rockin' with ya'll move to the song
It's been a while since we gave y'all something to rock on
Two emcees, a vocalist we've been sent on a mission
To reach a people who been tired of the new religion

He's so divine that our rhymes shine solely for Him
And so we kindly remind every person within
You'll get your time in the lime if you find it in Him
And every line that you sign - never sell out to win.

You put the rhythm in my feet so I could dance
Now all I want to do is clap my hands
You put a song in my heart now I can sing
Let this music lead you on
To that place where you belong
Where we could be free to lift him up
And keep it going on and on.

Everybody if you are free come follow me
Everybody if you are free come follow me
Everybody if you are free come follow me
Everybody if you are free come follow me

So underrated
Clap hands for those who made it
And we clap for every single person that's hated
Because we clap for the purpose that is
Greater than us
So bring the chorus back
Clap if you vibin' with us

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Group 1 Crew is a Christian hip hop band signed to Fervent Records and Warner Bros. Records. They made their debut with their hit song "Can't Go On" on WOW Hits 2007. Soon after they released their first EP I Have a Dream (2006). Contrary to appearance, Manwell Reyes has no relation to Blanca Reyes. The band released their self-titled debut full-length studio album, Group 1 Crew, in February 2007. Their song "Love is a Beautiful Thing" charted into the Top 20 in May 2007 on R&R magazine's Christian chart. The group's second studio album Ordinary Dreamers was released on September 16, 2008.. They also have had their song "Forgive Me" appear on One Tree Hill. They recently announced the release of their third studio album "Outta Space Love", which is to be released on September 21, 2010. Group 1 Crew also recently wrapped up the "Modern Day Heroes Tour" with KJ-52. They are currently on tour with Hawk Nelson and A Road Less Traveled.

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