
Songtext Chick on the side Salt-N-Pepa


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Chick on the side

Don't touch me! get away from me!

Homeboy, you better stop it, keep up you're gonna get it

Your mouth is gettin' sassy, don't make me have to hit it

'cause when I heard about you my teeth just gritted

You told me that you didn't, but I knew you were with it


Bet you got a chick on the side

Sure you got a chick

I know you got a chick on the side

(love bandit, love bandit)


Don't worry, boy, 'cause I won't complain, no need to explain

I seen everything through the window pane

You and your other lover, that's really insane

And another thing: please take off my gold ring

I got another finger I can put it on

You blew the deal so now I'm all gone

I was prepared for just in case you messed around

On the side you could be replaced

But you could have found a better way of lettin' me down

Instead of running around with every girl in town

I heard you on the phone the other day

Don't you say it's an old friend all the way from l.a.

I finally caught onto your little game

Your lying and denying is a cryin' shame

You took me for granted, this is the end, dammit

You're playing the field like you're some (love bandit)


Oooo my, oooo my so-called fiancee listen to what I say

Whatever game you play I play the same way

So if you wanna go mess around and cheat

And you wanna romance between another girl's sheets

Go ahead sweetheart, I expected that

'cause you're nothing but a cheap, little, stuck-up brat

Wherever you're at you want this and that

You dirty rat, I'm not a welcome mat

I got another lover, and I know he cares

So smile child, but keep your crocodile tears

Go ahead, go, go boy! I'm going steady

In loving arms this teddy is ready

He fixed the table for his and hers

And while the dinner simmers he served the hors'doevres

Then munch-out time, hit the wine, get mellow

Cleared off the table and his hello-jello

I can't express the feeling that I get

So I just lay back and light up a cigarette

And try to be cool, collected, and calm

He tells me my fortune and reads my palm

With a suave taste I cannot embrace

In a feeling of desire by the fireplace

Love bandit, I'm makin' it clear

See ya later, gator, I'm gettin' outta here, yeah


You're at the window starin' at the sky

Birds fly by, you start to wonder why

You're not by my side sharing the dream

That one day you'll be my king, and I'll be your queen

I call you every day, ask to get into your home

I tell you I'm alone, but you hang up the phone

You're like a hot flame getting ready to burn

You say you're concerned, baby, you don't earn

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Salt-N-Pepa were a New York hip-hop trio, consisting of Cheryl James (Salt) Sandra Denton (Pepa) and Deidra 'Dee Dee' Roper (DJ Spinderella). They have sold over 27 million albums and were the first all-women group to win the Grammy Award for Best Rap Performance, for "None of Your Business".

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