Skunk Anansie

Songtext Carmen queasy Skunk Anansie


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Carmen queasy

My vision is distorted by my sleazy mind
To picturesque an image to control this time
My intimate discriminating fears you test
My ignorance that truely feels it knows regress

You have the power but you keep it all to yourself
Your lust is decomposing us

The intricate sincerity is choking me
Its crumbling and crawling all around my feet
It wasn't jump from lie to lie to cover me
That credible intelligence evading me

You have the power but you keep it all to yourslef
Your lust is decomposing us

So now you're telling me its all damn easy
Try to see yourself as calm and queasy
'Cos money making is a wonderful thing
Money making is a wonderful thing
I don't wanna be a marketed baby
Try to see yourself as calm and queasy
'Cos money making is a wonderful thing
Money making is a wonderful thing

Carmen Queasy. I don't wanna be

I'm flinging out some rhythms in a cultural stare
Suffocating, still frustrating, like we care
Dissecting, overanalysing, empty heart
Like spitting out some more wet dreams and calling it art

You have the vision but you keep it all to yourself
Your lust is decomposing us

So now you're telling me its all damn easy
Try to see yourself as calm and queasy
'Cos money making is a wonderful thing
Money making is a wonderful thing
I don't wanna be a marketed baby
Try to see yourself as calm and queasy
'Cos money making is a wonderful thing
Money making is a wonderful thing

Money making, money taking
We don't have a choice
But we still have a voise
But take this: life is too short
Twist, deform and distort
Impregnate brains into my seminar
Gonna make a music-making failure
Gotta take back whats mine (gotta take back)
Keep chocking and holding, provoking
My life style you be smoking

So now you're telling me its all damn easy
Try to see yourself as calm and queasy
'Cos money making is a wonderful thing
Money making is a wonderful thing
I don't wanna be a marketed baby
Try to see yourself as calm and queasy
'Cos money making is a wonderful thing
Money making is a wonderful thing

Money making us a wonderful thing [x4]

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