
Songtext Bring it back Colosus


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Bring it back

(feat. Ca$hdro And G-Know)

Yeah C-o-l-y that's right my nigga G-Know, my nigga Naizen King

Bring The Crown To Tha Bottom Of Tha Map {playa hater} 4xxxx

We had the 2 live crew JT 2 lo0 uncle eye Trick Daddy so da loo when base music had 2 come way back when the bitches hit the floor to make a nigga pay that remember when Padjat had the roll so loo a git by 11 years old I could of swarn that I was the shit by 16 I didn't quit you are lookin' at the Future King Of Florida nigga FLA it started in Miami Gardens where I come from back then there were no major artists where I come from now the inner streets are watchin'because my city is hot now they party on the beach keeping the block lock down they are ridin in my street Chevy's with the tops down rollin' n holein' they don't even see the cops now dis is how we creep in the bottom MIA shit dis how we graze bitch.

[Chorus: x4]

we're bringin back for JT and the 2 live crew I thought you knew the reason why I do what I do I probably one of the few that represent me and my troops the chevy impala's to chevy coupe's don't try to play like my city can't even hold the ground we lockin' it down look around and we lockin' the town they say it couldn't be done that's why I challenge the test they say Miami is really the worst but really the best we started all this rap shit with base ass then this they see dade on the cover why you got to looked stress because they know that I ain't coming that it can't handle their chest when them boyz ain't playin FUCK a bulletproof vest majority of them move it is too much 305 in the sky I'm through with you fools that's why my niggas ready to die we carry them tools the desert with eagle Coly we are going to bring the thrown back so BITCH don't wonda why so bring it back

[Chorus: x4]

bring it back the bottom is alwayz the place to be in the 80's they had the keys the Cubans takin' the beebs the Jamaicans ragin' the streetz the Haitians pop off on the creve along the crab thieves bodies left on the scene scarface was a true story king pin big murder on the scene newsbarin'the youth carin' the sane mindin' through the 90's og's locked in the fearin' of the county getting shipped out on the streetz shorties clownin' got a set but tell me what the lawyer did ain't no respect but the valets and they lendin' on privately owned nightclubs and restaurants this is my home I'm going keep representin

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