
Songtext Boy meets world Epmd


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Boy meets world

"i want to know of you, I want to know of you"
Xross breeds in the house representin' queens. I'm gonna send this out to
Um, those fake so-called keepin' it real, ha ha, check it out

Verse 1:
I gets the urge to let loose on shit, bringin' the vibe like phife dog and
Midnight black darkness, it's the area or place that's destincive enought to
The bass, my tune throughout the room, and if you want it, it's here to
Now let's warm things up for instance a witness, as I break it down up in
This sentence
He, who shall not follow the funk shall fall, on they face
Not able to dip di in the place, my style is vintage, doper than any wine
On the market
Mics I spark it, flying tracks is my target, (def squad) I handles my
Without lyrics form jason's, I still get's ill, beeotch
Even from the jealosy I recieve, you can't hold me back I won't retreat
I'm determined to be the nicest creation since devices
Or italian ices, no matter what the problem is, I still, ah 1-2, in your
Face like I'm biz

Boy meets world "i want to know of you, I want to know of you."
I wanna know if you feel me though (x8)

Verse 2:
I believe in the power of the conscience mind
And if you think something then it becomes something like
If I had to battle a whole crew, if I couldn't beat them
Then my conscience would defeat them, yeah
I wouldn't put my career in jeopardy, but I will let something off if these
People keep stressing me
This is madness, I wish I was around when that midnight train to georgia
Picked up gladis
Listen close life is just what you make of it, if you wanna be happy like
Mary j.
Then hey, then get rid of negativity in your circumference
Or outside your realm in mass abundance
Knowing that the industry is fulling up with drama got some hype (fakness
From people of all types)
Even the so-called keepin' it real type stars are frauds, get the sword

And the question is asked. who is the fake nigga? who is the fake brother
That is always fuckin' up your shit. you wanna know how a niggas fake?
Check it out. sit back and you focus your shit from a general perspective,
And if your shit ain't lookin' tight, there's a fake nigga in your
Circumference. and that's word is born. for the 9-5 area, cause def squad
Forever, reigning much terror.

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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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