
Songtext Bomdigi Epmd


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I'll just sway...
This's the way it goes down
Def squad
Check this here

Verse one:

The e gets wicked, no need for the biscuit
The green-eyed funkdafied brother coming wicked
I sets the party off just like tanqueray
The funk lord, nobody else could swing this way
I put the loc to the motion, drop the funk coast to coast and
I buck like shot, 'cause I know I got cha opin
Check the soup, I dogg the mic like snoop
I get swift like h-town, when I knock da boots (daaat's right)
I'm dynamite with this mic
I show like doug e. and I rock the mic lovely
The afrodesiac, bringin the do-wah-diddy
To your city, on the zapp side with the vibe
I'm stone cold like bobby and ralph t
I come with the game of death, without bruce lee
The irregular speakin, for those mc's who be tweakin
Catch me at the beacon just freakin


Brothers can't see me
'cause my style's the bom-digi-bom-uh-dang-a-dang-digi / repeat 2x
Brothers can't see me

Verse two:

It goes one for the trouble, two for the show
Aiyyo, I'm gettin airplay like the most beautiful
I'm the mack, I made goldy turn chrome
When I induce my styles upon the microphone (yeah)
I goes down for y'all in broad daylight
Weeded, rockin the mic like ta-dow and psych
Today is a green day, so it's blazin
To specify it, I get big-up from jamaicans
Hey, the e-r-i-c-k gets down for the public
More doper than janet jackson's stomach
Ask anybody, who's the dopest producer?
I think of cruise, I'm never too much like I'm luther
My style is the craziest
No crew is fadin us
You got beef with my squad you better dare that
The shit I kick make rappers say, "i shoulda snared that"


Verse three:

Complete this puzzle, what squad beat up like russell simmons
And more flyer than robin givens
Cosmic slop, from the darkside
Basically, I can't wait, songs from the redman tape
(and make much sense when he's kickin fool) cause I constantly keep shitting
And y'all constantly keep listening
Yeah, who can it be now, watch out
Flying through the air with wings e double doing my thing


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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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