Killing Joke

Songtext Blood on your hands Killing Joke


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Blood on your hands

When the summer fails us
and the rains it rains so hard oh...
when the rivers overflow
and a wave runs over prague oh..

poison the waters so
that only g.m. crops grow

5 Corporations
earn more than
46 nations
You've got blood on your hands
You've got blood on your hands
Corruption at the highest levels
Man made hell and a
man made Devil
You've got blood on your hands
You've got blood on your hands

Behind a coat of arms and gilded lies
the crown prepare the sacrifice
and she prepares to die oh
radiant and beautiful
she's taken in her prime
oh executioner Atone for
all your crimes now

send horrors thru your soul
and when it happens then you'll know
send horrors thru your soul
and when it happens then you'll know

5 Corporations
earn more than
46 nations
You've got blood on your hands
You've got blood on your hands
Corruption at the highest levels
Man made hell and a
man made Devil
You've got blood on your hands
You've got blood on your hands

Rulers seek the fossil fuel
as the poor still eat their stools oh..
and watch the thunderflash
unleashed for oil and gas oh..
send horrors thru your soul
and when it happens then you'll know
send horrors thru your soul
and when it happens then you'll know

5 Corporations
earn more than
46 nations
You've got blood on your hands
You've got blood on your hands
Corruption at the highest levels
Man made hell and a
man made Devil
You've got blood on your hands
You've got blood on your hands

Jacque De Molay
Turns in his grave
as Cecil Rhodes
rides out again
You've got blood on your hands
You've got blood on your hands

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Killing Joke are an English post-punk band formed in October 1978 in Notting Hill, London, England. (Several sources state that they formed in early 1979.) Founding members Jaz Coleman (vocals, keyboards) and Geordie Walker (guitars) have been the only constant members.

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