Tove Lo

Songtext Bitches (remix) Tove Lo


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Bitches (remix)

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Touch me like you know what you do and what you don't
But I'm feeling jaded
Know your own love, I don't fuck with no glove
So why complicate it?
Let me be your guide when you eat my pussy out
'Cause I've had one or two, even a few
Yeah, more than you

It's Charli, baby
All the girls stare at me, drop lip
Dripping in harmony, like Fifth
Lay 'em down, feel 'em up
And they slide away, so easy
So easy, so easy, like, yeah

Bitches, I don't trust 'em
But they give me what I want for the night
Bitches, I don't trust 'em
But I tell 'em and they do what I like, why
Bitches, I don't trust 'em
But they give me what I want for the night
Bitches, I don't trust 'emBut I tell 'em and they do what I like, why

They can't fake it (No no, no)
Drying off the seat when they getting up to leave (So wet)
So they getting noticed
I'm better if they blunt, I don't really wanna hunt
So why complicate it?
I call it respect when you givin' what you get
So, baby, spread your legs, I'll do the same, already cumming

All the girls stare at me, drop lip
Dripping in harmony, like Fifth
Lay 'em down, feel 'em up
And they slide away, so easy
So easy, so easy, like, yeah

Bitches, I don't trust 'em
But they give me what I want for the night
(For the night, yeah yeah)
Bitches, I don't trust 'em
But I tell 'em and they do what I like, why
Bitches, I don't trust 'em
But they give me what I want for the night
(What I want, what I want, what I want, uh)
Bitches, I don't trust 'em
But I tell 'em and they do what I like, why

B is for balance, I for intelligence
T stands for tough, trouble, truly terrific
C for courage, H, bitch, holy
Rise high, pollenate, Aphrodite, right
Turn my touches into neon light
Chat it up, now, doggy, come suck my eight titties
I'm a free-headed goddess from the full moon land
Venus hit the bong, gon' sing it straight
We tougher now, we stand strong in the storm
We don't back down, we don't take shit no more
We don't back down, now we ahead of the game
It's a new day of bitches that no man can tame, yeah

Bitches, I don't trust 'em
But they give me what I want for the night
(Yeah yeah yeah yeah)
Bitches, I don't trust 'em
But I tell 'em and they do what I like, why
Bitches, I don't trust 'em
But they give me what I want for the night (Oh, yeah)
Bitches, I don't trust 'em
But I tell 'em and they do what I like, why
(I call it respect when you givin' what you get, so)
Bitches, I don't trust 'em
But they give me what I want for the night (Like that)
Bitches, I don't trust 'em
But I tell 'em and they do what I like, why

Bitches, I don't trust 'em
But they give me what I want for the night

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