
Songtext Biginning of the end Bride


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Biginning of the end

Drinking coffee from a cup three days old
Looking for an antibody, toxin a miracle drug
The life inside has lost human rights
It's a legal crime it's an issue of life

It's the beginning of the end
It's the beginning of the end

WHAT? Your body is the temple (Everybody listen got to tell you something)
WHAT? You are not your own (Everybody listen got to tell you something)
HOPE! Maketh not ashamed (Everybody listen got to tell you something)
I KNOW! For He dwells in me (Everybody listen got to tell you something)

WHAT? Your body is the temple (Everybody listen got to tell you something)
WHAT? You are not your own (Everybody listen got to tell you something)
HOPE! Maketh not ashamed (Everybody listen got to tell you something)
I KNOW! For He dwells in me (Everybody listen got to tell you something)

Politics are assassins doctors dig the graves
Partial birth abortions my Jesus saves
He came to give life give it abundantly
Activist abuse freedom executes liberally

It's the beginning of the end
It's the beginning of the end

WHAT? Your body is the temple (Everybody listen got to tell you something)
WHAT? You are not your own (Everybody listen got to tell you something)
HOPE! Maketh not ashamed (Everybody listen got to tell you something)
I KNOW! For He dwells in me (Everybody listen got to tell you something)

WHAT? Your body is the temple (Everybody listen got to tell you something)
WHAT? You are not your own (Everybody listen got to tell you something)
HOPE! Maketh not ashamed (Everybody listen got to tell you something)
I KNOW! For He dwells in me (Everybody listen got to tell you something)

You label them embryo call them fetus
Practice of a humanist made in his image
Hardness of the heart reprobate mind
Malignant intentions bingeing on the lie

It's the beginning of the end
It's the beginning of the end

WHAT? Your body is the temple (Everybody listen got to tell you something)
WHAT? You are not your own (Everybody listen got to tell you something)
HOPE! Maketh not ashamed (Everybody listen got to tell you something)
I KNOW! For He dwells in me (Everybody listen got to tell you something)

WHAT? Your body is the temple (Everybody listen got to tell you something)
WHAT? You are not your own (Everybody listen got to tell you something)
HOPE! Maketh not ashamed (Everybody listen got to tell you something)
I KNOW! For He dwells in me (Everybody listen got to tell you something)

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