
Songtext Bichasniguz Onyx


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If the heat is on, I gotta freeze up by a nigga
Shitty hit da fans from da hands, sqeeze da trigga
ATAK OF DA BAL-HEDZ! sleep if ya wanna
Bets is burned it's a bitter shit than be a donor
Bichasniguz not respective, but rejectic
Move on 'em, move on 'em, things are get hectic
So watch ya blankets, hold your hopes
Ya get hurt up, that's da word up
Fuckin' with Fre-dro understand, GODDAMN!
Who the hell is that little ass man?!
The kid with da scamps, balhead like ya jams
Shootin' at the stands, no time to beat fans
Ain't nothing worse than the bichas wich as, nigga that's bakin'
Lies for tichin', try to run the nut for scratchin' stop itchin'
Wishin' perhaps, I play tha right guard, tryin' in yards, but I'ma hit ya with sacks!
Two to da timple, straight to da brains, so simple and plain
Ain't a muthafuckin' thing changed,
But a hole in ya muthafuckin' tape, I would like to thank:
My nigga, my nigga, my nigga,
My nigga, nigga, nigga,nigg-aaa!
Bichasniguz I'ma had to pull ya skirt up!
Bichasniguz I'ma had to pull ya skirt up!
Bichasniguz I'ma had to pull ya skirt up!
That's da word up, you get hurt up!
Bichasniguz I'ma had to pull ya skirt up!
Bichasniguz I'ma had to pull ya skirt up!
Bichasniguz I'ma had to pull ya skirt up!
That's da word up, you get hurt up!
[Big DS]
Big DS! I put a hole in ya chest, grab ya by da neck
I hit you with da Tec, Onyx in affect, WE ALWAYS COME CORRECT!
Smack tha taste out ya muthafuckin' mouth!
Big DS, I show ya what it's all about
It's all about anger, the nigga bitch banger!
I be with the crazy criminals on da Pristal Projects
Beat them down who ever weeze respect
The fake moves, fake plays da bichas,
Ya joints, is that a death you choose
Nigga bitch nigga, silent as a backcase of strap though
Wild crazy ghetto, keepin' em on petto!
Got kids on the block get high with da rocks
When the time at the club, I knock 'em right on every bucks
That's my word! I heard a flix city kid, or I heard from the suburbs
Birds can't discriminate, so I won't either
Make ya holier than a bible, if you're not a believer
Diss your words dream, when you face my team
Been a bitch nigga over like the House of Pain
People scream, when I get you I say: "Gimme that bitch assilation"
Through with pass, get you a cash, or a ditch fast
Ain't nuthin' worse than a bitch ass nigga!
Ain't nuthin' worse than a bitch ass nigga!
[Sticky Fingaz]
Move back MUTHAFUCKAZ, the Onyx is here!!
My name is Sticky Fingaz, I'm the nigga in ya nightmare
Forget da crowd cheer, I live of fears, it's the beast in me!
You get the music couldn't sue me
And I take more than you wanna diss try 'em all
Say, I broke the rhyme, but it's da weak talkin'
Plus spit in ya face, Onyx is da master racin'
Nothin' sweared about me G, substain a child's place
My heart is my witness, I broke the law
The hap bichas niggaz in jail watchin' my doors
Hit da floors, and do crazy callous
Statics that when they flip, they take a jump to the paramedics
Cause ain't nuthin' worse than a bichasnigga!!!
Talkin' lot of shit, though I punch and run
I have blood on my knife, and a body on my gun
So listen up son, don't act wild
Or I'll crip your style with a bullet and a smile
Cause ain't nuthin worse than a bichasnigga!
Ain't nuthin worse than a bichasnigga!
Ain't nuthin worse than a bichasnigga!
Ain't nuthin worse than a bichasnigga!
Ain't nuthin worse than a bichasnigga!
That's the WORD up, you get HURT up!!!

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