Revolting Cocks

Songtext Beers, steers & queers Revolting Cocks


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Beers, steers & queers

City Slicker Hangnail Whipperwill writes:
Speaking of the _BS&Q_ single...
Anyone know if it was released on anything but vinyl?

Yep... It was also released as a CD single, WAXCDS 9149. Also, here's the
lyrics for the first remix (the second is, well, difficult... :-)
Note for the squeamish: these lyrics are a bit ornery, to say the least.
Read them at your own risk. :-)
Also, they might not be entirely right. Send any criticism/corrections to me,
at or
----------------------------------cut here----------------------------------
"Now, let's you just drop them pants."
"Just take 'em right off."
"Come on, squeal! Squeal! EEEEEEEE!"
Minds are empty, heads are hollow.
You might find out the truth is hard to swallow.
There's a place down there, where heads are square.
Laws are tough, and you are bare.
There is a law and there is a lawman.
Who is the right, and who is the wrong man.
It doesn't take much to kill that guy.
Don't get in my face and ask me why...
Texas is the place.
Beers, steers, and queers.
Texas is full of women and willing,
Eyes too close, ...
Who are these people, raised in bars,
..., sex on farms.
Texas hoedown, this is the lowdown,
You're full of shit, destined to go down.
Let's go down, herd 'em up.
If you agree, then let's word 'em up.
And if you don't...
Beers, steers, and queers.
"Now, let's you just drop them pants."
I've spent my life, go kicking shit,
Not gonna give up, ain't about to quit.
Life is a bucket of ...,
Gettin' rough, feeding stock.
Get in my way,
Beers, steers, and queers.
I'm a crazy mother in a drunken state,
A redneck asswipe who thinks he's great,
So full of shit, diarrhea for fingers,
Everywhere I go, personality lingers.
Say you don't like...
I don't give a damn, so fuck your respect.
If you're looking for a reason, don't go any farther,
'Cuz I'll give it to you baby, like to your grandmother.
Take what you get if it does the job,
Texas has religion...
"What did they call it?"
"The Revolting Cocks."
Beers, steers, and queers.
"This is our house, and our house music. I am the creator

Danke, weil sie diesen text korrigieren

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Revolting Cocks, also known as RevCo, is an American Belgian industrial rock band that began as a musical side-project for Richard 23 of Front 242, Luc Van Acker, and Al Jourgensen of Ministry.

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