
Songtext Battle cry Akbar


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Battle cry

One two
Comin for you
Yo yo yo

Last night, I didn't know what to write
so I broke my pen in half, in a violent rage
Opened my journal, then let the ink bleed on the page
until it formed a sihlouette, of me on stage
Still abstract, like unidentified objects
Find my name scrawled on the walls of your projects
like hieroglyphs, written in cryptic form
to forewarn the comin apocalyptic storm
I dreamt of fire, swallowin this wicked empire
and saw the entire world hurled into destruction
With their inequity, trickery and corruption
Caught you with your pants down, in the Oval Office
when the Messiah came, without an introduction
Too late to escape your fate, though many have tried
The pens have been lifted, the pages have dried
It was all prophesized like comets, droppin from the skies
causin earthquakes, and whole cities to capsize
My peoples dyin while you tryin to save the Earth
You need to stop lyin and SAVE YOURSELF FIRST

Still, they wonder why, I chant the battle cry
It's not that I'm anti, it's just that I can't lie
The only thing I stand against, is ignorance
but you call it hate, when I advocate, self-defense
What's the battle cry??? ?? ??
What's the battle cry?Allah U Akbar
What's the battle cry??? ?? ??
What's the battle cry?Allah U Akbar

Now put the Ak' on, as I presume to rock on
Leavin spots torn, whenever we lock horns
Come battle me, and that'll be your last mission
When you hear the boom, assume the crass position
Somebody tell my opposition, stop the mission
Mental giant's about to drop science, listen
.. to the ancient tribal drum
Close your eyes and nod your head and the vibe'll come
from the base of your spine
.. to a place in your mind that transcends all space and time
The legendary lonely wolf roam the prairie
Hug your kids tight, midnight, quite scary
Under fire, movin through this concrete jungle
Feelin trapped, wishin I had a gun, with nowhere to run to
I hear helicopters, I see buildigns begin to crumble
I feel somethin hot -- I've been shot!I stumble
I blackout, then when I come to, I'm trapped
in the concentration camp, with a government stamp
Some type of microchip implant
made in the factory, that's what they use for trackin me
So if I try to escape, over the gate
the guards will attack, and put a bullet in my back
They stripped me of my identity, my name, my religion
Now I'm just a number in the system
Holdin on to nothin, but my convictions
and cold steel bars, waitin on Jar Jar to lick them

Still, they wonder why, I chant the battle cry
It's not that I'm anti, it's just that I can't lie
The only thing I stand against, is ignorance
but you call it hate, when I advocate, self-defense
What's the battle cry??? ?? ??
What's the battle cry?Allah U Akbar
What's the battle cry??? ?? ??
What's the battle cry?Allah U Akbar

Still, they wonder why, I chant the battle cry
Still, they wonder why, I chant the battle cry
?? ?? ??, until the day I die
Allah U Akbar his name I glorify

Still, they wonder why, I chant the battle cry
It's not that I'm anti, it's just that I can't lie

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Akbar is a bit of a mystery to us. Their discography includes Big Bang Boogie. Their most popular genre is Pop.

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