Souls Of Mischief

Songtext Batting practice Souls Of Mischief


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Batting practice


Yo, nineteen ninety-three
New year, new world champions
Hahaha like this

Yo, the ill-minded mack will find the facts
I rhyme and acts, niggaz bound til Im attacks
When niggaz say I cant rhyme I recline
Im the first to tell you, I got gs in my verse who tell me
It hurts a fella when I rip, because Im sly slick
The nigga fly chicks ride dick with me
Im leaving niggaz stranded man thats how I planned it
Landed blows with my random flows
And it goes -- a little something like this
And I might diss, with my right fist I strike kids like a pitcher do
I split your bitch you better switch or I twist ya
I play tricks like a mix
When booty niggaz miss the beat
I figure that they wack I go and get my bat and a pack of swisher sweets
Plus be ill when I bust the grill but we chill
Who the fattest? {hiero} its batting practice


Its no feat, how I defeat, weaker
Individuals set em up like give and go
A heat seaker, I take a bat and brighten your features
Beseech ya, proving Ill do that too
Cuz when you, pulls my clothes on and shrouded
Im out with ya grip and youre pimpin so how did he
Do that shit, who dat kid, youre asking the masked man
Who fly higher than nasa
Ask friends what you need when I need your blockin
Then I leave you knocked in
Counts to call I scrubs em all
With the quickness, using fitness, leave you fitless
Who got a problem with me ripping all than I do
Im batting way more than you
Hey sure you knew my rhymes was fly
My lines imply that Im fatter, next batter

Chorus: repeat 2x

Its like this yall, its like that yall
I got a hieroglyphics baseball bat yall
Its like this yall, its like that yall
I swing a hieroglyphics baseball bat yall


Get the fuck out, I never struck out
Better get the bucks out, and kick em down
Wrecking, extreme havoc when Im practicing
That could mean a loss of conciousness when I launches this
Back to the scene of the crime Im never on sight
Untouchable, what you pulled another hiest?
Precisely, is be the man that did it
Said it, free up your posession never regretted
No anthistetic so youre headed for some suffering
Bufferin cant ease the aches and pains of my-grains
When I trail this drain on your lifestyle
Pull a knife while, you give it up, simp
Im a pimp got your hoe and got your dough
And got the best flow in the universe, snatchin titles
Like a purse, niggaz be the spot in a hearse
Im worse, than the baddest bat crack


Its phesto so get your cash flow, I crushed em
Its gone, right before your eyes, if youre wise
Another hiest done nice when I slice
Your neck and snatch a duffle-bag with a sag
And a tag in your crew, dag how you do
Dangerous if its your brain I bust they taking
Chains and stuff, from the victim eyes is suprised
And Im quick to size men, up with a swing to your grill
What I planned difficult thats split your skull
With a tool, if you ever fool, with us all
Did you ever think, if you blinked
I wouldnt get you for your links, and your cash and your minks
Savage enough to keep my average up
Puttin chumps in assume a new marking then Im scots-free
Watch me, duck into the night with your valuables
Im getting down with my tools



Hah, whassup? tell me we aint the best now
Thats how we do! ripping shit
Niggaz dont know...
They aint the best, cuz we be
Thats practice

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Souls of Mischief is an alternative hip hop group from Oakland, California, that is also part of the hip hop collective, Hieroglyphics. The Souls of Mischief formed in 1991 and is composed of emcees A-Plus, Opio, Phesto, and Tajai.

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