
Songtext Back to the rap Epmd


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Back to the rap

So let's get it on - like marvin gaye; hey
Is that that nigga, from "you a customer"? you're fuckin a
Is for apple, j's for jack black
B is for bozack, and n is for the nutsac
(what's j for? ) the j's for juggle these, please
Pmd bust rhymes like niggaz bust seeds
With zero, that's not the channel I be watchin
Niggaz clockin, no time for stoppin so I keep rockin
Big up to the hip-hop, be-bop heads bop
Non-stop up the block systems knock
Girlies jock I'm locked in funk mode
Peace to my pops; cause it's

Back to the rapper makin hands clap
(respect hip-hop and the fans black)
Back to the rapper makin hands clap
(respect hip-hop and the fans black)

Scandalous; swiss miss still funkin shit
Uhh - slow down baby, can't handle it
The way you're movin your thang, you got it goin on
Time to pop the sean dom
Take a swig of it - yeah drink it like a forty-oh
No champagne glasses, that's out the window
Push up and get my swerve on, take me there baby
Aww shit, pmd's gone
(where you goin p? ) deeper and deeper
My mind's gettin stronger, she got me in the sleeper
Almost there, relax, just like I figured
Strapped down, still on the lookout for the gold digger
Blazin figure, sexin like holly
Hoes blunts and puff the ganja like bob marley
She's hardcore, ride it like an outlaw
Workin it, pullin with the lockjaw

Back to the rapper makin hands clap
(respect hip-hop and the fans black)
Back to the rapper makin hands clap
(respect hip-hop and the fans black)

I'm in the war zone - far away from home, no microphone
Just biters and tombstones on the real holmes
It's do or die, no fly guy, don't ask why
Rap is outta control, don't bungee jump or hangglide
Time to slip (slide) so save the lie
Hit squad won't die, them niggaz multiply
On the scene blowin up, sho' nuff
Wild haircut, what? don't give a fuck
This is me, peace to epmd
Took a break in nine-three now I'm back see

Back to the rapper makin hands clap
(respect hip-hop and the fans black)
Back to the rapper makin hands clap
(respect hip-hop and the fans black)

Back to the rapper makin hands clap
(respect hip-hop and the fans black)
Back to the rapper makin hands clap
(respect hip-hop and the fans black)


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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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