Bomfunk Mc'S

Songtext Back to back (feat. z-mc) Bomfunk Mc'S


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Back to back (feat. z-mc)

Bomfunk mc's
Back to back

Back to Back
Say we love it like that
B. O . DUB
On the Phat Track
Innovating styles
Breaking formats
Ahead by the miles
So watcha say black
We go
Back to Back
Say we love it like that
B. O . DUB
On the Phat Track
Innovating styles
Breaking formats
Ahead by the miles
So watcha say black

Its like 1 2
Its life
Now whatcha gonna do
Old school
New school
And the drop outs too
1 with the 2
Whatcha gonna say
Rolling with two MCs and One DJ
Massive and crew in the front and the back
Rolling to the sounds and we love it like that
Riding to to the rythm
We got the flavour
The bass is so loud
Disturb your neighbor

Back to Back
Say we love it like that
B. O . DUB
On the Phat Track
Innovating styles
Breaking formats
Ahead by the miles
So watcha say black
We go
Back to Back
Say we love it like that
B. O . DUB
On the Phat Track
Innovating styles
Breaking formats
Ahead by the miles
So watcha say black

The hilla roller coaster we be turning and twisting
With the styles we remixing
Cause the maximum!
We appraoch with the most
Yes very distinguished
Flick of the wrist

For the ones who check this
Feel neglected
Cool calm and collected
What's the afro funky record
That we rockin and rumbling
Fry like dumpling
Let me give a little something

Riding to the rythm we got the flava
The bass is so loud disturb your neighbor
Rolling for the crews and the raver
X amount of of style
X amount of flavour

Like ride widda bidda bidda beat
Roll widda the beat
Inside now ride now
Riddim and ride the ride the ride the ride
Bidda bouce some bidda bass don't stop
Riddim and roll now riddim and rock it
Shock it take off like a rocket


Its like..
Back to Back
Say we love it like that
B. O . DUB
On the Phat Track
Innovating styles
Breaking formats
Ahead by the miles
So watcha say black
We go
Back to Back
Say we love it like that
B. O . DUB
On the Phat Track
Innovating styles
Breaking formats
Ahead by the miles
So watcha say black

Old school new school drop outs too
Whatcha gonna say and whatcha gonna do
Rollin to the the rhythm and we just pass through
Its like
Old school new school drop outs too
Massive and crew in the front and the back
Rolling to the soundz and we love it like that
Riding to the rythm we got the flavour
The bass is so loud disturb your neighbor
Bass is so loud disturb your neighbor
X amount of style x amont of flavour

Back to Back
Say we love it like that
B. O . DUB
On the Phat Track
Innovating styles
Breaking formats
Ahead by the miles
So watcha say black
We go Back to Back
Say we love it like that
B. O . DUB
On the Phat Track
Innovating styles
Breaking formats
Ahead by the miles
So watcha say black

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The Bomfunk MC's were a breaks band, formed in 1997 in Finland. The group's front man was the Finnish rapper B.O. Dubb (formerly known as B.O.W., born Raymond Ebanks) and the main producer is Jaakko "JS16" Salovaara.

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