The Distillers

Songtext Ask the angels The Distillers


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Ask the angels

(by Patti Smith)

Move! ask the angels who theyre calling
go ask the angels if theyre calling to thee
ask the angels while theyre falling
who that person could possibly be

and i know you got the feeling
you know i feel it crawl across the floor
and i know it got you reelin
and honey honey the call is for war
and its wild wild wild

everybody got the feelin
you know the feeling and its stronger each day
everybody wants to be reelin
and baby baby ill show you the way

and i know its hard sometimes
you got a piece and hit across the sky
and i know its hard sometimes
and world war is the battle cry
and its wild wild wild wild

across the country through the fields
you know i see it written cross the sky
people rising from the highway
and war war is the battle cry
and its wild wild wild wild.

armageddon its gotten
no savior jailer can take it from me
world ending its just beginning
and rock and roll is what im born to be
and its wild wild wild wild
wild wild wild wild
wild wild wild wild
wild wild wild wild

ask the angels if theyre startin to move
comin in droves in from la
ask the angels if theyre starting to groove
lightning as armor and its today
its wild wild wild wild
wild wild wild wild
wild wild wild wild

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The Distillers were an American punk band formed in Los Angeles in 1998. They released their first two albums on Hellcat Records/Epitaph Records before moving to Sire, part of the Warner Music Group. The Distillers were originally formed by Australian-born Brody Armstrong (later Dalle) a woman with a distinctively harsh singing voice. Ex-wife of Rancid's Tim Armstrong, Brody changed her name to "Dalle" after their divorce in 2003. Although there were significant line-up changes it was Brody who played guitar, sang, and wrote or co-wrote nearly every song on the band's three albums. Tony Bevilacqua also played guitar and Ryan Sinn played bass.

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