
Songtext Angels & demons Toyah


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Angels & demons

The flesh
Your ashes
No tomorrow
Love ???
Says Azrael
Lucifer and Gabriel
Host and the Holy Ghost

Little girl kneels at the foot of the bed;
Angels and demons play in her head.
She carries them around Wherever she goes,
She puts on a brave face but somehow it shows.

Little boy stands at the foot of the stairs,
Hoping that someone will answer his prayers.
He puts out the candle, it catches his eye
As ten thousand spaceships fill the sky.

Angels and demons;
Omens and requiems;
Peers and sightseers,
Merchants with souvenirs.

Little boy runs to the top of the stairs,
A voice in his head says “Don't worry, we care.
We've been watching you standing there,
Cascading messages through the air

“We're the angels and demons that play with your hair,
We're the angels and demons, and we're always there.
We are the breeze at the well of the stairs;
We are the noises when no-one is there.”

Angels and demons;
Omens and requiems;
Peers and sightseers,
Merchants with souvenirs.

The sky feeds the earth and the earth feeds me
Come with us and we'll let you see,
The lofty spiders climb swiftly away,
Our rumbling machine takes us to another day.

Little boy smiles as they whisk him away
“My angels and demons have come to play.
Monsters with claws, wings and all!
I can walk through the air without touching the floor.”

Angels and demons;
Omens and requiems;
Peers and sightseers,
Merchants with souvenirs.

Little girl cries at the foot of the bed,
Angels and demons play in her head.
She carries them around wherever she goes –
She puts on a brave face but somehow it shows.

A spaceship descends, the demon spreads his wings,
Says he's here to be Earth's friend again.
Little girl cries at the foot of the bed,
Wondering what it is that plays in her head.
Who knows?
It shows
Who knows?
It shows...
Who knows?

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Toyah is the name of the band fronted by Toyah Willcox between 1977 and 1983. The only other consistent band member throughout this period was Joel Bogen, Willcox's principal co-writer and guitarist.

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