The White Tie Affair

Songtext Allow me to introduce myself... mr. right? The White Tie Affair


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Allow me to introduce myself... mr. right?

There's gonna be a party tonight
and do you think that your invited
I know that your excited
gonna be a party tonight
wouldn't you think you'd know
If you I were excited

All these consequences keep running around your head
but who knows what they'll say, when it all comes down to...
through the moonlight glow I know, heart racing fast as it can go
our eyes meet instantly, you're on your way

Let it become (don't stop) your breathing,
let it become (don't stop) your breathing,
Let's get this party started cause...

She was thinking Mr Right I was thinking Right Now.
Contemplating, over it. Over and over again.
She was thinking Mr Right I was thinking Right Now.
Contemplating, over it. Over and over again.

We started dancing getting
crazy on the dance floor
Come and dance with me
I'll show you what your looking for
Gonna slow down, gonna go down
gonna make it all night
if you're with me, i'll quickly
make everything alright.

Let it become (don't stop) your breathing,
let it become (don't stop) your breathing

She was thinking Mr Right I was thinking Right Now.
Contemplating, over it. Over and over again.
She was thinking Mr Right I was thinking Right Now.
Contemplating, over it. Over and over again.

Ever since I laid my eyes on you,
There's been so much I've wanted to do,
Bring your body closer to mine...
There's gonna be a party
Gonna be a party tonight
Let's get this party started right

Dadadada, gonna rock the floor, gonna dance to the tempo
Dadadada, gonna rock the floor gonna dance

She was thinking Mr Right I was thinking Right Now.
Contemplating, over it. Over and over again.
She was thinking Mr Right I was thinking Right Now.
Contemplating, over it. Over and over again

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The White Tie Affair (aka TWTA) is a pop rock/electronica band from Chicago, Illinois. The members consist of: Sean-P (guitar) Chris Wallace (vocals) Tim McLaughlin (drums)and Ryan McClain (keyboard). In early 2007, the band signed with Epic Records/Slightly Dangerous and released their debut album, Walk This Way in April 2008. The album contains the band's two singles, "Allow Me To Introduce Myself...Mr. Right" and "Candle (Sick and Tired)", which have been featured on MTV's TRL and The Hills.

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