
Songtext Aerosol can Pharrell


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Aerosol can

We behaving bad
We behaving bad
Fast wine, slow wine (we behaving bad)
We behaving bad
We behaving bad
Fast wine, slow wine (we behaving bad)

Yo! When I was young and my dad had a reefer house
I'd catch a contact and talk like Eek-A-Mouse
Go to school, act like I'm pulling reefer out
Kinda funny cause I used to freak my teachers out
Like "dong dong diddy dong dong", seen?
So much mi go teach ya bout
Peace to the one Black Chiney and the [?] out
In the club, everybody on Sinatra
Look around, everybody on Sinatra
I ain't talking bout this shit they call Coke and vodka
I'm talking bout this shit you snort and go "ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"
I mean just go bonkers
Make the young girls wild, and then go topless
Make the dope boy smile, they don't need binoculars
Make a nigga wanna pull out choppas
Brrap brrap brrap they got ya

Ring, bom bom bom bom
Aerosol can, bom bom bom bom
Monkey outside, bom bom bom bom
Shooting all night, bom bom bom bom
Bom to the bom to the clang clang clang
Banging on that ass like orangutan
Motherfucker transform to a grown man
And transform again like
(We behaving bad)

Skateboard, can a nigga make more?
Steal my style? I ain't got no reward
Like hmm, make yourself bigger like mushroom
Mario Kart
All y'all niggas wanna get like me
All y'all niggas wanna spit like P
Missin' ass niggas wanna hit like me
Meanwhile yo bitches wanna kiss my D
Child Rebel Soldier, hit that ass for the combo
AK-47 and the dress on a rhino, boom
Commodore like Lionel, zoom
Hauling that ass like a new Veyron
Am I wrong?
Riding with my bitch mane, all night long
One second I'm here, next second I'm gone
That's two in 60 seconds, nigga, what you want?
Girls on me like they superglued on
My dick like a table you can place food on
Make Szechuan, or Hunan
Nigga, I'm hot like the place Mulan

Ring, bom bom bom bom
Aerosol can, bom bom bom bom
Monkey outside, bom bom bom bom
Shooting all night, bom bom bom bom
Bom to the bom to the clang clang clang
Banging on that ass like orangutan
Motherfucker transform to a grown man
And transform again like
(We behaving bad)

Nigga, I'm hot like the place Tucson
BBC, Ice Cream skewed on
No discounts, no coupons
But I got the Rolls Royce for the Grey Poupon
Now you jealous, with your face screwed on
Who on? Nigga, you on?
Feeble ass niggas only get booed on
Shitty attitude get pissed and poo'ed on
Fucking with P? You wrong
Retreat, nigga, you don't wanna feud on
Your nerves ain't there for a big dude on
Stompin' that ass until you gone
Hoping that you make it home wit yo shoes on
While I'm touring these booties, scoring these movies
I know that I made it when I'm chilling with Stewie
Ask Marc Jacobs what I did for Louis
Sunglasses, campaign and jewelry
Ask Alber how he really wanna use me
Comme Des Garçon, ain't using it loosely
Look at yo forehead, sweating profusely

Ring, bom bom bom bom
Aerosol can, bom bom bom bom
Monkey outside, bom bom bom bom
Shooting all night, bom bom bom bom
Bom to the bom to the clang clang clang
Banging on that ass like orangutan
Motherfucker transform to a grown man
And transform again like
(We behaving bad)

Fast wine, slow wine (we behaving bad)
Fast wine, slow wine (we behaving bad)
Fast wine, slow wine (we behaving bad)
Fast wine, slow wine (we behaving bad)
Fast wine, slow wine (we behaving bad)
Fast wine, slow wine (we behaving bad)
Fast wine, slow wine (we behaving bad)
Fast wine, slow wine we be, we behaving bad

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