Souls Of Mischief

Songtext A name i call myself Souls Of Mischief


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A name i call myself

He hah... hahaha!!
Yo yall wanna know about hoes?
Check it... yo

Adam is the man that got more honies than a hive of
Bees I skeeze Im pullin stunts like mcgyver
And I try ta, always be patient with a miss
But I diss, cuz groupies always seem to make me pissed
Huh, they gotta be frontin, wantin to start a phony friendship
I never pretend to think I befriend be them hips
And send dips, back to they moms with a grin
But if shes a boo boo head I tell no-one that I got in

Yo, skins friends I got a lotta, and I gotta
Bend them and then blend all the hottie
Spurts be burstin like a mile a minute
Cuz I can either take it slow or yo I wild up in it
Im pulling, yes cuz fully dressed or threadbare theyre nice
I twist my sides to tickle thighs when my heads there
I now rips sets so foul dips spread my rep
I sew the girls up like schweppes, so many kids might fret

Afterwards Im bouncing dips like tits on chicks
Who be running track, then they be running back for more
Rest assured, its absurd for her to be your linga
I get the finger, cuz she cant get the stinga
Any longer, my dong can stretch and Im stronger
I got the daddy ding-a-ling to get you hot and bothered
Get the kinks out when my stink in the pink shout and scream
Butta second fling is but a dream

From day one I played hoes in the schoolyard, my tool heartless
But not for dips submerging it aint hurt men to merge in
My status, from baddest to tims Im pulling more hips
Than gravity, and after the skins get hit, Im drowsing
Arousing the next dousing the next thousand my saliva
The liver ones cuz I dont try to run in no dumb females
Some be swell, but, my picks so why tricks
Get restricted to flicks with boo boo heads, I screw you dead


I call myself the man (8x)

Niggaz cling, and get attached to things on the flute
Thats insane, I just be in and bang, get boots
For gosh sakes, that broad shakes, her thang to the whole game
The way the labia lips hang its a sad shame
Clapping when youre tapping, just hit the scraps and be at em
The breasts sag like theyre saddened
The skins are wrinkled, dry, worn and battered
Leave em shattered, shes as fly as a maggot

The him I am, the man Im him
Bustin skins out, I been stout erect checkin dips
When Im wreckin lips and clitorises, hit her with this
[boom bow bang!!] swinging from my you-know-whats so you know buttcheeks
Are clapping tapping the guts on the late with your date
Makes my ego [ha-hah] read those lipstick marks on my penal tip
They dont lie, penis took your dip to a fly despise
My description, why, when Im making them lips bend

I hit it, I did it, I admit it
I never quit it, yes I knock the boots like I was riddick
Bowe, get with it, hoe, I get with
No, boomerang broads with nasty toes
Keep your corns on your husk you muskrat
But if shes fly, I try to bust that
Gluttius maximus, I wax and bust
Im taxin just to be the mack man plus

Once I been with women, friendship done been the sole outcome
How come skins cant work their way in?
The question resting late night at her pad and
Scheming to grab and season, cuz shes in
I fiend getting mad horny, transforming charges
Into swinging me, seemingly hard miss
Let her know that I was on it
Now I got dibs on that crib Im +welcome back+ cuz Im kotter


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Souls of Mischief is an alternative hip hop group from Oakland, California, that is also part of the hip hop collective, Hieroglyphics. The Souls of Mischief formed in 1991 and is composed of emcees A-Plus, Opio, Phesto, and Tajai.

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